Sunday, August 31, 2014

Food Inc. 29-08-14

Food Inc

 August 29, 2014

  • The documentary informed the viewer of how fast food chains, which produce extremely unhealthy food, are subsidised and are therefore capable of selling their food at cheap prices. People often have to choose between buying cheap, unhealthy, food or more expensive food that is more nutritious. They are often forced to buy food that is base for them simply because they can't afford any other option.The movie explained that, because fast food is so innexpensive, people are not consuming enough fresh produce. This leads to widespread and major health issues (especially diabetes), in turn causing people to purchase expensive medicine in order to cope with their aquired health problems. The documentary argued against eating unhealthy fast-food, made you more aware of the food you did eat, and also more aware of what kind of food consumed by our society. 
These images describe what the documentary was explaining*:


  • Before watching the movie I was aware that many people eat unhealthy fast food because they can't afford anything else. I was also aware that fast-food can lead to health issues. My opinion on fast-food had been that it you shouldn't eat it often because it isn't good for you and it contains many ingredients that you would not normally put in food. 
  • Now that I have watched the documentary I feel even more strongly about my previous opinion because I have factual details and stories to back up what I had previously thought. Before watching the movie I didn't  know that the reason fast-food was so cheap was because the companies are subsidized. I still want to know why unhealthy food would be subsidized when it clearly isn't good for people. Is it more profitable? I was also extremely disturbed about the story where a boy dies from eating a hamburger with ecoli on it, and the family can't talk about it very much because then the company threatened to sue them. I have rarely eaten at fast-food chains, but now I think I will be even more aware of other kinds of processed foods that I eat, avoid them even more, and try to eat more natural products. 

The movie:

 Images from:

Video from:

*The images are from a different documentary: A Place at the Table